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Mothering at Mid-Career: Now and Then

A week from now, the presents will all be unwrapped, the Christmas cookies mostly eaten—and I'll be sitting in a...

Soon-to-Be Open Secret

A federal investigation into admissions preferences for men will expose a serious problem, and raise the question of why college leaders won't talk about it, writes Richard Whitmire.


I read somewhere that 90 percent of acting is casting. The idea was that plenty of actors are capable of...

My Gen X Academic Crowd

I've been thinking about how important my Gen X colleagues are in my professional and personal life, and I've been...

A Semester of Midnights

Forty-five large pizzas, one U.S. senator, and Aristotle and the rhetorical triangle. Wick Sloane and his students report from the land of late night classes.

The Academic Traveler

Getting organized for MLA, AHA, AEA or various other academic meetings? Eszter Hargittai has some ideas about managing the travel time efficiently.

Ask the Administrator: What Makes a Good Dean of Students?

An occasional correspondent writes: I've applied for a dean of students position for which I know I'm unusually well-qualified and...

Evaluating My 2009 Predictions

One year ago I made a series of 8 predictions for learning technology in 2009. Below are the predictions, with...