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Hanging at GameStop

How much time do college students spend playing video games? I did some quick Googling this morning and was unable...

Advantages and Drawbacks to Attending a (Mostly) Women's College - II

As described last week, I entered college in the fall of 1970 with some trepidation. Recent exposure to a group...

Last-Minute Gift Idea

Happy holidays to all our Inside Higher Ed readers, and many thanks for following the blog. The Churm family wishes...


As the family and I settle in for a much-needed Christmas break, I just want to thank my wise and...

Hard Choices

No interviews at the MLA? It's a tough decision on whether to go, but if you do, you can make the meeting valuable, writes Teresa Mangum.

Subprime Student Loans

Federal loans should go to those who are most likely to benefit from higher education, not to everyone who can enroll, writes Jackson Toby.

Ask the Administrator: Is This the Job I Want?

A foreign correspondent writes: I've been in and out of academia in my career in the creative sector, firstly with...

Gender and Learning Technology

All my bosses have been women. I should say, all my bosses in the world of learning technology. And this...