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In praise of Gordon Gekko

Today, I got lucky. It's usually better to be lucky than good (a poker player told me that one). It's...

Mashing not Viewing

Is the debate we are having about copyright and online streaming of course video (behind a password through the LMS)...

ABCs and PhD's: The five-year plan

When I was pregnant with my daughter and unsure what was going to happen to my academic career, a woman...

A Road Less Traveled

Michael Benson considers lessons of path that led him from a doctorate in Middle Eastern history to a job roofing houses to fund raising and to college presidencies.

In the American Grain

Howard Zinn, author of A People's History of the United States, died last week. Scott McLemee salutes a voice of dissent.

The Good Reader

Unlike many other, less famous writers, Howard Zinn treated a young editorial assistant like a person. Rachel Toor remembers him fondly.

Countercyclical Hiring and Flight Risk

Too many of the arguments I've read and heard for hiring more full-time faculty rely on moralistic appeals. The idea...

Having Fun in Learning Tech

Even my worst days as a learning technologist beat the crap out of my best days in most of the...