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Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places

Think you can reform your institution before earning tenure? Think again, suggests Kerry Ann Rockquemore.

It's More Than High Jinks

The New York Times last month reported a story about several politically active students who crossed the line from what...

Ask the Administrator: Is Working at a CC the Kiss of Death in Academia?

A longtime reader writes: I'm hoping you and your readers can offer some input. I'm on the cusp of receiving...

Rejected by U of P

I've been rejected to teach online at the University of Phoenix. I'll survive. But I'll admit to being a little...

Watch more TV

OK, I admit it. For me, watching pretty much any TV is watching "more". But from time to time, there...

Furlough Fridays

I am fortunate to have a broad vantage point on education that spans kindergarten through graduate school. In addition to...

One Plate I Definitely Don't Want to Drop

For a few months there, I thought I was finally getting a handle on this “balancing work and life” thing...

A Committee's Bad Choice

Dear Survival Guide: I’m an administrator at a university and I’m caught between a committee and a hard place. The...