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Book Publishers' Regrets in 2025

In 2025, when book publishers look back to try to understand why their business became first disintermediated and then displaced...

An inconvenient inventory

Greenback U, like a lot of other schools I'm sure, is in for a rude awakening. Under terms of the...


Seven years ago, Iraq's libraries went up in smoke. Scott McLemee looks at a history of book destruction.

Recovering Administrator

Terri Givens, back in the faculty ranks, considers what she learned and why (when the time is right) she may go back.

This Book Is Overdue

Hope you will consider joining me and reading This Book Is Overdue!: How Librarians and Cybrarians Can Save Us All...

ABC's and PhDs: Second PhD needed - in parenting

I’m a mom, who has prioritized full-time parenting, and I stand in the sidelines of academia. This can be painful...

The Boy Rocks the Science Fair

The Boy has his mother's spatial sense and a touch of my nerdiness, so he was all over the science...

A thought in the dark

As my clock-radio switched on NPR this morning, I was treated to two seemingly similar stories, one right after the...