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Why wait 'til the last minute?

So let's say your university takes the plunge and invests big-time in solar photovoltaic panels covering all the roofs on...

Drawing the Wrong Conclusions

Russell Poulin ponders what the University of Texas System's decision to close its TeleCampus says -- and doesn't say -- about online education.

Mothering at Mid-Career: On Rubrics and Spreadsheets (sort of)

I spent the day with rubrics and spreadsheets. This is not exactly the life I envisioned when I began my...

Ask the Administrator: Interviewing Your Next Boss

A bufuddled correspondent writes: We are in the process of interviewing for a new program director. I am a staff...

What's wrong with this picture??

Earth Day 40 came and went. I was at an event on campus, which was being held in a tent...

Anti-Bias Rules for Everyone

If religious groups succeed in forcing public colleges to abandon their equity rules, they will end up undercutting the independence not only of those colleges but of religious groups, writes John K. Wilson.

There Is No Guru

Kerry Ann Rockquemore wants you to reconsider the quest for the perfect mentor.

Ask the Administrator: The Paradox of Good Citizenship

A thoughtful correspondent writes: I'm in a humanities dept. at a very good SLAC. One of our faculty members is...