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The Advising Handoff

To get a sense of the stuff that drives administrators crazy, see if you can spot the hole in the...

Lecture Capture for Prelims

I heard a great idea from a faculty member today: lecture capture for prelims. Apparently, students are making use of...

ABC's and PhD's: Balancing with young children

In surfing around the web I came upon this old thread, started in January last year on the Chronicle's “Balancing...

The Eggheads Scramble

How is intellectual life shaping up in the Obama era? Scott McLemee collects evidence from the news vendor.

The Entrepreneurial Grad Student

Doctoral students need to think about branding, opportunities and adaptability, writes Christine Kelly.

The Undisclosed Dance

Much of the campus discussion about students with disabilities has revolved around ways to provide accommodations that are both effective...

An Offer for Online For-Profits

My offer is to evaluate the quality of a (hopefully representative) sample of your online course design and report the...

Reading or not

I hear tell that Newsweek is for sale. Not just the latest issue, the whole operation. A modern media icon...