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To Sue or Not to Sue

Robert Hamill studied the outcomes for professors who've challenged their tenure denials -- and uses his findings to offer advice to instructors and institutions.

Financial Literacy

What's the best way to convey meaningful lessons in financial literacy to 18 year olds? I'm consistently struck at the...

My For-Profit Biases

I received a few e-mails this week from people who work in the online for-profit sector, following my offer to...

Math Geek Mom: The Normal Distribution

Imagine a number line, extending in both directions infinitely. Above this line we might graph bars that represent the proportion...

Reading for aught

Next year is the 50th anniversary of the original (French language) publication of Frantz Fanon's classic, The Wretched of the...

You Don't Know How It Feels To Be Me

Pay my title no mind: I was listening to Tom Petty’s Wildflowers on my long drive up this short mountain...

Motherhood after tenure: embodied teaching

Like fellow blogger, Libby Gruner, I too spent the end of the semester in a lively discussion about teaching. Several...

College Seats for 75,000

Wick Sloane has a plan to make room for thousands of qualified community college graduates at elite institutions -- by letting elite high schools award bachelor's degrees.