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Escape from New Jersey

According to this story from the Newark (NJ) Star-Ledger (motto: "Not Dead Yet!"), the New Jersey Senate has passed a...

The Missing Feature From Office 2010

One button voice-over recording, encoding in the cloud, and publishing to multiple Web platforms. That is what is missing in...

Sports Subsidies

A few weeks ago I met with my son’s advisor to discuss his academic progress as he nears the end...

Ironic laughter

If you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans. All gods were originally weather gods, and the weather...

Take Your Learning Technologist to School Day

I recently had the privilege of my work as a learning technologist being profiled in the Upper Valley at Work...


This past weekend, TW and I left the kids with her parents, got on a plane, and went out of...

The Power of the System

Alexandra W. Logue considers a central question about the governance of public higher education.

Videoconference Interviews

Angela D. Provart offers tips for search committees and for candidates.