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If You're Thinking of Being a Teacher

…and would like to know what it can be like to be in other people’s minds for 16 weeks at...

Open Door to What?

Amy E. Slaton questions the assumptions behind the push for speedy job training at community colleges.

Unionizing at For-Profits

This is one of those "yeah, but" stories. The impulse is good, but the details are tricky. Apparently, the faculty...

Mothering at Mid-Career: Sick Day?

This morning I woke up with a cold. Stuffy nose, scratchy throat, hoarse voice. The end of the school year...

A Phoenix Future?

By Phoenix I'm referring to both the city and the university (U of P). Ask this question of Richard Florida...

Befuddled and Lost

Now that it's in the past, I can safely admit my addiction to the TV show Lost. I could go...

A New Humanities Ph.D.

It's not enough to add some advice on non-academic careers, writes Paula Krebs. Departments need to add different kinds of courses and different kinds of work experiences for grad students.

Making the Grad

Rob Weir offers his take on the debate over getting a graduate degree in the humanities.