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'Am I Crazy?'

Hello, Mama Ph.D., I love your blog and have found it to be quite helpful as I consider a career...

Laptop Requirements and the Downside of Choice

Us learning technologist believe in choice. We push for educational content to "just work" on whatever screen our learners may...

Serves You Right

A great record on service won't win you tenure, and it could cost you tenure, writes a new advice columnist.

The Empathic Professor

While faculty members have many traits, at the end of the tough academic year, Michael Bugeja focuses on the positive ones.

Admitting Defeat

I need the wisdom of my wise and worldly readers on this one. It falls somewhere between a political question...

Math Geek Mom: The AbsentMinded Professor

I was probably teaching statistics the second or third time around when I finally stumbled upon a good understanding the...

Thomas and theater; Muscle and power

I don't often read Cal Thomas's columns, but Mrs. R. does. I'm not sure why, unless it's to get her...

Definition: Canonical Literature

That which is portrayed on fake- book wallpaper.