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'Rebundling' Liberal Education

In 2009 a group of 42 researchers, educators, and entrepreneurs met together at the invitation of Union Square Ventures, a...

Mothering at Mid-Career: Summer Jobs, Part Two

I’m delighted to report that my daughter has indeed found gainful summer employment. It’s not full time, but it will...

Clay Shirky's Next Book

Dear Clay Shirky, Please make the subject of your next book higher education. I loved Cognitive Surplus: Creativity and Generosity...

Meet Your Bodyguard

If you aren't making the progress you want, it's time to confront the issues that are holding you back, writes Kerry Ann Rockquemore.

Against Rank

Humanities scholars should celebrate and preserve the lack of a clear hierarchy for journals in their disciplines, writes Jeffrey R. Di Leo.

You're Not Helping!

Last week Congress held some hearings on accreditation requirements and the definition of the credit hour. In reaction to the...

Basecamp, E-mail and Projects

Will we ever get beyond e-mail as the main tool to manage our project communications? Everyone I know believes that...

A Grating Exam

Anytime a semester ends, there are always multiple conversations about final examinations. And final exams come in all sizes and...