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The Horror! The Horror!

Readers share their job interview horror stories.

A System’s Roles in Transfer Partnerships and Pipelines

How the University of Illinois system positively impacts the lives of students through influence and leadership.

Canceling Debt Is a Start—but Only a Start

Biden’s student loan forgiveness, while welcome, barely scratches the surface of what’s needed to address higher education affordability and access, Jamie Merisotis writes.

Plagiarism Is a Structural Problem

How our campuses can minimize plagiarism.

Starting Off Right With the Syllabus

We can create more engaging and inspiring ways to begin a class, write Cathy N. Davidson and Christina Katopodis, who provide some concrete ideas for how to do so.

Higher Ed, Meet GPT-3: We Will Never Be the Same!

We have read for years that artificial intelligence will make us more efficient and effective. We’re seeing the impact now in gathering big data, identifying and predicting trends, and providing quick answers to the run-of-the-mill questions from students and others.

Online Does Not Mean Isolated

And in person may not mean connected: Maha Bali, George Station and Mia Zamora discuss building community in an online conference or professional development series.