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ABC's and PhD's: Road tripping in the 21st century

This week I'm reporting from Edmonton, Alberta, at the half-way point of our family vacation. With our car looking like...

Eating in place

Although I'm not a devout local-vore, I do prefer to eat locally. In terms of meat and poultry, buying locally...


"I must continue to write for the same reason I am always compelled to write, in sickness and in health...

Constitutional and Unwise

Just because public colleges can require student organizations to welcome everyone as members doesn't mean that's the best option, writes Shapri D. LoMaglio.

Lesson From Justice Kennedy

The Supreme Court's ruling on student organizations may end up playing a key role in the legal debate over gay marriage, writes Linda Hirshman.

Welcome to our new readers

It is perhaps appropriate, following our two most recent entries, to welcome our new Inside Higher Ed readers to GlobalHigherEd...

Preparing for Dying Industries

Should a community college train people for the industries that are currently there, or for the industries that seem likely...

Recommending Kamenetz's DIY U Book

Dean Dad gave it a lukewarm review, but I say to stop whatever you are doing and go and order...