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Abu Dhabi's Liberal Arts Island

New York University has come to Abu Dhabi. And while there is nothing novel anymore about an American satellite campus...


This piece, and its attendant comments, stuck in my craw a little. It’s a discussion with an author of a...


So yesterday, I get back home. The last thing I'd done before leaving campus had been to post some thoughts...

First Reactions to Blackboard Buying Wimba and Elluminate

Here I'm going on "Gut Feelings" and my "Blink" - an approach I wouldn't necessarily recommend. I'd definitely read Ray...

Support on the Tenure Track

GMP offers advice on how to get the backing -- personal and material -- that you need.

Secret Language

A new book looks at how language conceals meaning. Scott McLemee puzzles over it.

When Students Can't Get Broadband

I’ll stipulate upfront that this will vary by region. In my neck of the woods, broadband coverage is just common...


The first book that I'm going to give to my learning and technology team is Rework, by the guys from...