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Transnational Academic Feminism: The Case of Handwriting

Guest blogger, Karin Sarsenov, writing from Lund, Sweden. Summer is the blessed time for international conferencing, and for yours truly...

Watch This Video!

Remember Abbie Hoffman’s “Steal This Book!”? Transformed, “Watch This Video!": Bruce Schneier needs no introduction but he deserves, once again...

Markets and Missions

Okay, I know it's a naive question, but why did universities decide that their presses should be profit centers, or...

Read the Directions

Let's stop using the term "faculty-driven," especially for things that aren't in fact driven by the faculty, writes Laurence Musgrove.

Netflix, Collections and Mobile Learning

Netflix recently announced a new iPhone and Touch app that lets subscribers stream video over 3G and Wi-Fi connections. You...

Ask the Administrator: Swimming Upstream

A new correspondent writes: I am thinking of making a change in my career path. I am a non-tenure track...

Cars...and College Textbooks

Please, esteemed reader, bear with me. What follows is not an apology for textbook publishers: good, bad, or otherwise, students...

Mothering at Mid-Career: Cinderella's Legacies?

There have been some interesting posts on this blog lately about gender, weight, and photoshop (see the posts by Aeron...