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A "Media" Opportunity for U of P's William J. Pepicello

So excited that William J. Pepicello, the University of Phoenix’s president, is looking for "media" opportunities. Dr. Pepicello, I'd like...

Motherhood After Tenure: Heading Back

Classes start tomorrow and my syllabi are finally done. They've been completed for a few days, but I never deliver...

You're All Winners

But in my shop, only three entries in the “ Write Your Heaven” contest could be chosen, on the basis...

Higher Education and Science

I recently attended the Second Science with Africa Conference jointly organized by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, the...

Surrendering to Tomorrow

Once, the e-book reader was a futuristic fantasy. Scott McLemee faces the ambivalence of living it out.

Survival Tips

GMP offers suggestions for female graduate students in science and technology fields.

Campus Technology Leaders: Before and After

Before After Implements Strategic Vision Develops Strategic Vision Reports to a Top Academic Official Is a Top Academic Official Background...

Hint, Hint

This article brought back memories. My first administrative gig was at the same college where I got my first full-time...