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(What) Can You Read and Write?

Istanbul, Turkey As academics, we are expected to be doing two things on a regular basis: to read a lot...

What Gorillas Are We Missing?

Before you read this review of The Invisible Gorilla: And Other Ways Our Intuitions Deceive Us by Christopher F. Chabris...

Math Geek Mom: Sick Days

I recently taught a class in “linear programming”, in which a (linear) objective function is maximized subject to several constraints...

Exasperated Sigh

How do people with day jobs and school-aged kids write books?

The Great Disconnect: Scholars Without Libraries

I am composing this Babel post without an internet connection, trying to put it together as I airport-hop my way...

Power and Peace

Diana Chapman Walsh considers the paradoxes of leadership in academe.

The Biden Summit

One of the privileges of the first amendment is the ability to call out the government when it’s dangerously off-base...

Motherhood After Tenure: how could a mother give up her child?

I just finished teaching Daniel Defoe's 1722 novel, Moll Flanders, about a heroine who “Was Twelve Year a Whore, Five...