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Civil Engineering yes; Tea no

Though it is difficult to demonstrate, even in the era of outcomes assessment, we all strive to provide an education...

Ads and Gender

In a recent New York Times Magazine article, Peggy Orenstein discusses advertisers’ discovery of “the sales potential in female pride.”She...

Chinese Contradictions

Recent statistics concerning flows of students from China and Chinese views about migration raise some interesting questions concerning the present...

Sexuality, Technology and Student Life

How is the young man who was in the room with Mr. Clementi doing? Thankfully, for him, we don't know...

What Duff Brenna Knows

Duff Brenna’s novels include The Book of Mamie, Too Cool, The Altar of the Body, The Law of Falling Bodies...

Time Out to Write

It’s crucial to save time for writing and tune out distractions, write Carmen Werder and Karen Hoelscher.

Liberal Arts I: They Keep Chugging Along

The narrative of the decline and fall of humanities and other non-"vocational" fields doesn't hold up to the facts, write W. Robert Connor and Cheryl Ching.

Liberal Arts II: The Economy Requires Them

Champions of liberal education, often on the defensive, should more strongly argue that their programs prepare students for work and life, Richard Greenwald argues.