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Tenure Isn't the Answer

In a recent essay at Inside Higher Ed, Cary Nelson, president of the American Association of University Professors, underlined the...

Mandating Laptops

Does anyone out there work at a public college that mandates that students buy laptops? I’m increasingly convinced that we...

Conversations with Companies: EDUCAUSE 2010

I go to EDUCAUSE for the companies. More precisely, for the conversations I can have with the people who represent...

Exploding with awesomeness: The #SAchat

One of my favorite personal learning networks (PLN) is the #SAchat. Student Affairs practitioners gather every week to chat via...

Rules for Science Job Talks

Lynda F. Delph offers advice on a crucial test for job candidates.

Praise But No Cash

The White House summit offered community colleges a day in the spotlight, writes Wick Sloane. The rest is up to the institutions themselves.

New Metric System?

Measuring scholarly influence by citations made sense... once. Scott McLemee looks at the emerging alternatives.

$35 Million in Perspective

Apparently at the White House Community College Summit yesterday, President Obama announced no new public money for community colleges. But...