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Friends and Mentors - II

It's OK (and for many women it may be necessary) to say that you have enough friends, without your students, writes Heather Zwicker.

Friends and Mentors - I

Erin Wunker considers how much academics gain from close ties to senior scholars and to students.

Substitute Education for Lysol

The Rutgers tragedy is a reminder that cybergossip -- commonly about first-year females -- is widespread and that campus leaders need to take a stand against it, writes Dawn Watkins.

EDUCAUSE: Working the Booth

The hardest workers at EDUCAUSE 2010 (save the conference organizers) will be the people working the booths in the Exhibit...

Community Means Us

The latest critique of American higher education, Higher Education? How Colleges Are Wasting Our Money and Failing Our Kids and...

Math Geek Mom: Chaos Theory

I once had someone tell me a story of being on an airplane seated next to someone who was writing...

Riding right

I'm all in favor of campus no-idling policies. And I'm even more in favor of electric vehicles for on-campus travel...

Long Distance Mom: Choosing my Religion

After flying in from Chicago to visit my children recently, I arrived in time to watch them perform in the...