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Late-Breaking Developments...

The C.L.R. James Library stands fast -- and Amazon launches the digital pamphlet. Scott McLemee reports.

Standing Out From the Herd

Eliza Woolf offers advice on making your application more enticing to a search committee.

Final Exams

An alert reader sent me this link to a Boston Globe story about Harvard eliminating its final exam period. We’ve...

ABC's and PhD's: Settling Families into Sabbaticals

The other day a friend of mine asked if we had an extra TV kicking around that we could do...

Community Means Us, Part 2: A Response from Andrew Hacker, Co-Author of Higher Education?

A few days after my guest post "Community Means Us," an account of my experience in a community college, went...

The wheels go round and round and it comes off here . . . and how . . . and why

One last (for now) thought about bikes. I was walking across campus last week, and a first-year (I'm presuming) student...

Technology Leadership and Tech Leaders

The EDUCAUSE Conference begins today in Anaheim. This annual gathering of higher ed’s tech tribes and tech providers is part...

Campus Talk: 'What It Is'?

The student worker in our department office had messed up the committee report so that Page One was tucked between...