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Math Geek Mom: Extended Family (Here and There)

Anyone who has taken geometry is probably familiar with the concept of “similarity”, in which two shapes share the same...

An EDUCAUSE missionary: spreading the word about student affairs and technology

It is now day 3 at EDUCAUSE 2010. I've been to countless meetings, sat in on a few sessions, and...

Glad Emanuel's gone

Anyone who voted for Obama in 2008, has been disappointed by the lack of moxie that his administration has shown...

The University vs. Liberal Education

Dan Edelstein wonders if elite colleges, by making the undergraduate experience so enticing and expensive, are unintentionally diverting students from the humanities.

EDUCAUSE 2010 Day 2: Hamel, Gates, Lecture Capture, and Tough Publishers

How was your day two (Wednesday) of EDUCAUSE 2010? Big takeaways? Surprises? Revelations? (okay…maybe that is asking too much). Here...

What's a Sophomore?

Last week I had a nice discussion with some people who work at nearby four-year schools. We were discussing the...

#EDUCAUSE10 = Community

The folks running the EDUCAUSE 2010 Annual Conference (#EDUCAUSE10 if you're on Twitter) have done an amazing job of providing...

EDUCAUSE Day 1: Has Ed Tech (Finally) Turned the Corner?

So far the mood at EDUCAUSE 2010 seems to be really good. The last two EDUCAUSE conferences have been pretty...