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3 Questions for Evie Cummings on Her New Role at Johns Hopkins

A conversation with the new executive director of AAP strategy and graduate programs at the Zanvyl Krieger School of Arts and Sciences.

Higher Education and the Four Industrial Revolutions

This is not the first time Western civilization and American higher education have encountered a massive change impacting the mission, technologies and vision of higher learning.

Public University Trustees Should Serve the Public Good

Governor Glenn Youngkin was right to veto legislation that would have undermined accountability.

Gateways or Gatekeepers?

Universities in the landscape of class.

A close-up photo of Columbia University President Minouche Shafik during her testimony before the House Committee on Education and the Workforce during a hearing focused on antisemitism on campus.

The Wrong Remedy

Tony Banout asks if aggressive state and federal intervention will destroy higher ed in a supposed attempt to save it.

Hands holding a formal letter of recommendation with stylized blurred text.

The Art of Recommendation Letters

Karla Erickson describes how to write about others in ways that honor their significance without being engulfed by the increasing demands.

Postliberal Education

Ensuring well-roundedness in the emerging postliberal higher ed landscape.