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I traveled over the MLK weekend, and ended up staying in a nicely refurbished older hotel. More than a number...

The #SAtech book - commentary from the community

Last week's post about whether or not we need a technology in student affairs book generated quite a bit of...

Stewart, Assange and Journalism Education

Michael Bugeja questions why foundations and universities seem unworried about the way technology and certain business practices are eroding the role of the press.

Buying Freedom

Although community colleges enroll more students than flagship state universities do, the flagship state universities hog most of the public...

How Would You Spend $100 Million?

Anya Kamenetz has an article in this month's Fast Company, " How to Spend $100 Million to Really Save Education"...

Shopping Around

In my household, I am typically the designated grocery shopper. I go once a week, and both my wife and...

Mothering at Mid-Career: Service and Administration

Two posts on Inside Higher Ed caught my eye the other day; one, from The University of Venus, on being...

Governance Matters

Who should govern universities? Should the best scholars sacrifice their career as researchers and govern academic institutions or should professional...