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Last week's post about whether or not we need a technology in student affairs book generated quite a bit of discussion. With 13 comments (quite a lot for what's really a relatively new blog) and several tweets from #SAchat folks, the concept/project seems to be of significant interest to the student affairs community.

A few readers expressed concern about a book about technology becoming obsolete in a short period of time.

  • Shawn Brackett:
    "Anyone think it's ironic to be planning a *book* about technology? My chief concern would be the writing timeline--would it be outdated before it was published? Otherwise, cool idea!"
  • Thomas Valdez:
    "I still can't wrap my mind around how it'd work as a book. Data gets old so quick these days."
  • Paul Cox:
    "Love idea of #satech book idea, but static tech info a minus. E-format & blog thumbs up. #GoEricGo"

The concept that a technology in student affairs book would get dated is a little ironic. We rarely place the same pressures on other functional area texts. I am comfortable with a book on technology that has the same shelf life of other student affairs texts. Does a #SAtech book automatically face unique challenges or are we holding it to a different set of rules, values, and expectations?

  • Brian Gallagher:
    "They've got books that are about technology for k-12 teachers (from my last MA program) - so, it makes sense in my opinion."

Like a broken record, I keep coming back to the fact that a technology in student affairs book is conspicuously absent from our professional library.

  • Ed Cabellon:
    "It is such a huge need. If not us, who? If not now, when?"
  • Rey Junco:
    "There definitely needs to be a plan for dynamic content along w/ a traditional (or e-) book."
  • Christopher Conzen:
    "Continuing the convo re: #SATech ( @EricStoller ) book, seems appropriate if at least some if not most should be "crowd-sourced""
  • Nicholas Cole:
    "@thomasav @EricStoller How about something like @ginatrapani and @adampash's @gwaveguide? Wiki, but had a print run too. #sachat #satech"

Dear Publishers, we are here and we are ready. I love the idea of a living, web-based document to supplement a printed text. Crowdsourcing an online wiki might be a perfect way to develop a bit of technology competency while simultaneously contributing. This project is going to require momentum, energy, association support, and a courageous publisher.

  • Josh Fry:
    "I am very excited to see something like this take off and would love to be a part of it. Thanks Eric!!"
  • Gary Honickel:
    "I'm with all of you on this as it is a huge need. I'm always looking for #satech books"
  • Kim Nehls:
    "Loved your #satech book idea! You should DM @StylusPub with a proposal and link to blog. I think they would be open to idea!"

The overarching theme that is present throughout all of the comments is the need for some sort of technology in student affairs canon - a comprehensive set of learning documents that can be used to build a professional curriculum and competency base for student affairs professionals.

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