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Swap meat

Well, not really meat. More like fruits and vegetables and dairy and eggs. As I was driving home last week...

Forget Green Jobs

Colleges that boast about the environmental training they provide need to remember that these issues must be part of every program and every job, not just a subset, writes David Schejbal.

Tuition Hike-oholism Hits Bottom?

“After decades of funding our eleven campuses on the basis of past appropriations and past expenditures, we have lost track...

Re-'Kindling' Amazon's EDU Mojo

The EDU mood lately has not been kind to the Kindle. It's all " iPad this" and " iPad that"...

Watching Football with The Boy

This past weekend all four of us started watching the Jets-Steelers game. The Wife and The Girl peeled off early...

Mothering at Mid-Career: Tiger Mothers and Drifting College Students

The two most e-mailed articles in my cohort last week seem to have been the “Tiger Mother” piece from the...

Students: hitch up to Europe

Editors' note: Anne Corbett's entry below was originally published in Open Democracy (19 January 2011). Our thanks to David Hayes...

What Erika Dreifus Knows

I first met Erika Dreifus through her blog , Practicing Writing, and e-newsletter, The Practicing Writer, both excellent resources on...