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Gender (in)equality in higher education: Sweden, Europe, and ?

From the archives - this post was originally published at on 3.02.2010. To portray the situation of women in...

ABC's and PhD's: Specializing

Some advice I remember from when I was little was “the earlier you can decide what you want to do...

No Captiousness Here!

Could those who find fault with the general positions that President Obama posited last night please share them on this...

Producing Academic Leaders

Higher education can attract more faculty members to the administrative ranks and -- eventually -- presidencies by changing the way chairs, deans and provosts are guided, writes Susan Resneck Pierce.

The Critic's Demon

Nona Balakian was an editor at The New York Times Book Review who joined its staff in the 1940s, after...

January Hires

In the “real world,” hiring is usually year-round. There might be peaks and valleys, with some variation by industry, but...

Do Less

My motto for 2011 is simple: do less. By doing less, I’m hoping to accomplish more. No, it’s not an...

Will Google Take Any Higher Ed Risks?

Google announced today a new education category in its Google Apps Marketplace. You can read about the "20 applications from...