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Learning Loss Should Inform Future Teaching

I once “mastered” algebra. Now it’s all gone.

Can—and Should—Colleges Educate the Whole Person?

Why secular institutions should cultivate students’ well-rounded development.

Teach Your Discipline and Help Students Get Jobs

Studying the humanities is a good in and of itself. That is completely true. And it’s a strategic argument that will win over no one, argues Rachel Toor.

After COVID, Another Public Health Crisis

Lack of access to abortion stands to change the face of higher education for years to come, Elizabeth H. Bradley and Dara Anhouse write.

Widening the Lens of Transfer

A review of global credit-mobility trends.

Stopping the Tide of Campus Antisemitism

A wave of anti-Israel and often antisemitic activity has made American campuses an increasingly unsafe place for Jewish students, Jonathan Greenblatt writes.

AI Transforming Education

Artificial intelligence has begun impacting education, but the best is yet to come!