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It’s Not Personal

Ali Lincoln describes how changing your approach to edits to your work can significantly improve your writing.

‘Net Gains’ and the Slow-Motion Analytics Revolution in Soccer and Higher Ed

Can the diffusion of data-driven decision-making in the world’s most beautiful game help us think about how we run our universities?

Where Higher Ed Should Be More Businesslike

In a couple of areas, more of a businesslike mentality would help improve the work of higher education.

What Today’s College Students Need

The learning experiences, guidance and support students need to succeed in college and in life.

Putting Data to Work for Program Improvement and Student Success

Diving into initial enrollment data from the first three semesters of the New England Transfer Guarantee.

Mispricing Tuition

Charging history or English majors lower tuition in line with lower labor costs could attract back students who have been abandoning the humanities, Fidel J. Tavárez writes.

Administrative Joy

How do we navigate the tension between managing in high-stress environments, Karlyn Crowley and Jay Roberts ask, while also needing to work and live sustainably?