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Pet Peeves in College Admissions

Jim Jump offers some easy ways colleges could improve the admissions process.

Through Her Son’s Eyes

Longtime community college educator Elizabeth M. Benton writes of newly experiencing community college after her son enrolls.

Navigating the Crossroads

Dinuka Gunaratne explores why making certain career decisions can seem so insurmountable and offers advice for how to do so most successfully.

The Upside of Having Incredibly Smart Readers

In which readers teach me something I didn’t know that I didn’t know.

Students Want to Be Involved in Decision-Making About Their Futures. Higher Ed Must Let Them.

Information on progress toward graduation, improved tools for communicating with professors and staff, and data privacy protections would help students to make informed decisions and succeed, writes Jennifer Bell-Ellwanger.

Gentrification Matters

Scott McLemee reviews Leslie Kern’s Gentrification Is Inevitable and Other Lies.