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More Presidents Making This Transition

Two more campus leaders have shifted to run museums.

Achieving More Effective Boards in the New Year

Given today’s demands, most colleges would benefit from higher-performing boards, writes Peter D. Eckel. But what is effective governance? And how do we know it when we see it?

From the University to a More Universal Role?

S. Georgia Nugent considers the increasingly well-trodden path from liberal arts college president to president of a major cultural institution.

From VP of Comms to President: Lessons From the Jump

What I wish I could tell my former professional self about the realities of presidential communications.

The Stop Cord

Thinking about Tim Burke’s piece on followership.

Public-Serving Colleges Should Get More Federal Money

An argument for taxing rich people to send money to community colleges, comprehensive regional publics and other public-serving institutions.

Are Campus Visits Necessary?

Along with other aspects of the hiring process, they can be biased, taxing, expensive and time-consuming, writes Mireille Rebeiz.

Demarginalizing Transfer

Attending to incentives and antecedents.