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The Best Gadget of 2012?

Some possibilities for 2012's best gadget might include: Google's $250 Samsung Chromebook, the Nest Learning Thermostat, the iPhone 5, the FitBit One, the Microsoft Surface, the iPad Mini, the Starbucks Verismo, the Nexus 7, and the Wii U. What else?

And on a Lighter Note...

The Girl tried out for a part in the church Christmas play. The play is based on the nativity scene.

Student Evaluations: Part 1 of 2 (probably)

The evaluations are already in and they got me thinking.

Is Conflict of Interest An Addiction?

And is advising its “gateway drug”?

Top Ed-Tech Trends of 2012: The Battle to Open Textbooks

Part 6 in my ed-tech year-in-review series. This one looks at digital textbooks and the battles to make them open.

Interviewing at Church-Related Colleges

John Fea offers advice for those seeking positions at different kinds of religious institutions.

Hyperspace is the Place

It's the music that makes the universe dance: Scott McLemee reads The Best Writing in Mathematics 2012.

The MOOCs fad and bubble: please tell us another story!

How can we escape this new buzz about MOOCs, since the launch of Coursera? Is there anything else than the bubble effect created by the media that is part of the strategy itself?