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A Question About Blogging

My context-ridden attempt to answer a question about blogging from a reader.

Top Ed-Tech Trends of 2012: The Politics of Ed-Tech

The last in my series reviewing the year's most important ed-tech trends...

Top Ed-Tech Trends of 2012: Automation and Artificial Intelligence

Part 9 of my year-end review of the top trends in ed-tech. This one -- one that's really been under-analyzed and under-theorized, I think -- is on automation and artificial intelligence.

Top Ed-Tech Trends of 2012: The Platforming of Education

Part 8 in my look back at the top trends in ed-tech this year. This one examines what I'm calling the "platforming of educaiton."

Defining Learning Expectations

Historians and other academics are, contrary to what you may hear from critics of academe, working to define specific student outcomes and to promote accountability, writes Anne Hyde.

English Faculty Jobs Abroad

English teaching jobs may be hard to come by in the U.S., but many can be found elsewhere -- and Anna Faktorovich offers advice on how to get them.

Andy Bernard’s Cornell

As "The Office" prepares to end its long run, Mark Drozdowski looks at how Cornell University will cope with the departure of one of its most famous faux alumni.

And Now For Something Completely Different

Mayan predictions for the end of the world aside, the years ahead are likely to be quite different for higher education than the past 100 years. As our holiday gift to you, we have put together this anthem for the end of higher education as we know it.