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Class-sourcing as a Teaching Strategy

Having your students work in groups to produce publicly accessible digital artifacts helps them learn and instructors be relevant -- and Gleb Tsipursky shows you how to do it.

The Student Solution to Affirmative Action

Students who favor affirmative action should follow their principles and help minority students -- by choosing not to apply to highly selective colleges, writes Mark Bauerlein.

Wrong Question on Entrepreneurship

We absolutely can teach people what they need to know to be innovators -- the right question is how it is done, writes Wendy E.F. Torrance.

Judging Journals

How could we best track quality (or lack thereof) in scholarly journals?

Addressing the Syllabus Gap

Changing up your syllabus to impact citations of women in political science.

Princess Leia and Social Media Nuance

Guidelines, control, best practices, personal branding and Star Wars.

How We Write

Can taking five minutes before they write help students be more productive?

GradHacker on Pinterest

Taking our own advice on Pinterest.