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A Faustian Bargain?

William G. Durden considers why adaptive- and competency-based learning are attracting so much attention, and worries about their impact on traditional-age students.

Missed Connections

2 ways that corporate and higher ed people misunderstand each other.

Still Part of the Equation

The Wall Street Journal recently posed this question: “Why aren’t companies getting graduates with the skills they need?”

Chicken and Egg

The copyright conundrum of higher education.

Be a Good Job Mentor

Cheryl E. Ball considers how faculty in Ph.D. programs need to be engaged in helping their grad students launch careers.

Death of the Humanities

An experience teaching in Bangladesh -- and the reaction of his American mentors -- leaves Se-Woong Koo wondering what his profession really stands for.

The Job Search and the Foreign Dilemma

Navigating the academic job market as an international grad student