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What We're Reading This Month: January 2014

Selections of favorites from the writers at University of Venus

(Don't) follow the money

We're not facing one sustainability crisis, we're facing many. And they all have one element in common.

Clay Shirky Comes Not to Praise Education, but to Bury It

The disruptive innovating futurist thinks we better adapt, before it's too late.

Moving Past Digital Hate

Phyllis M. Wise, whose decision not to cancel classes led to a racist, sexist uproar on Twitter, writes that the incident illustrates why diversity efforts are important.

Seeking Answers on 'Competency'

Competency-based education holds much promise, but many questions remain -- which is why we need a federal program to experiment with it, Paul LeBlanc writes.

Google, Nest and Higher Ed

What new edtech opportunities this $3.2 billion acquisition might signal.