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A computer screen and a smartphone both bear the logo and name of “ChatGPT” against a white background.

GPTs for Scholars: Enablers of Shoddy Research?

The GPTs that offer scholarly citations may eliminate the issue of hallucinated (fake) citations, but they pose other problems, Mohammad Hosseini and Kristi Holmes write.


Life Prep 101

College’s hidden curriculum’s essential role in preparing students for life post-graduation.

 Cover of “On the Move: The Overheating Earth and the Uprooting of America” by Abrahm Lustgarten

Reading ‘On the Move’ and Thinking Mostly About Climate Change

Another excellent book to place in conversation with Universities on Fire.

Hands of people of various races holding generic protest signs

Immediate Conversations Required

Peter Eckel and Rob Farrell advise presidents on how best to engage boards during the campus upheavals over the Middle East conflict.

The headline and subhead for Ben Sasse's recent The Wall Street Journal op-ed is overlaid against a photo of Sasse, who is smiling widely. The text reads: "The Adults Are Still in Charge at the University of Florida: Higher education isn't  daycare. Here are the rules we follow on free speech and public protests."  Below that text, in smaller print, there is an attribution: "Ben Sasse, University of Florida President/Commentary in The Wall Street Journal"

The Unbearable Hypocrisy of Ben Sasse

The University of Florida president ignores the most serious threats facing higher ed, Brian Rosenberg writes.

A man wearing an orange T-shirt has his head down on an open textbook as he holds up a cardboard sign with the word “HELP” in capital red letters on it.

Three Ways to Create a Culture of Help-Seeking Behavior on Campus

The act of asking for help is something that doesn’t come naturally to all students, and higher ed has a responsibility to invest in efforts to improve help-seeking, write student success professionals Cecilia Santiago-González and Zoe Lance at Cal Poly Pomona.

Caps Off to a New Beginning

The commencement address as a distinctive literary genre.