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"Invisibles" and Higher Ed

Is this the book that everyone on campus should read next?

The Work-Life Balance in Childhood

What children learn about adult obligations.

Mass Incarceration on Trial

The U.S. leads the world in the size of its prison population. Scott McLemee check out a new book suggesting that tide is starting to turn.

Room for Creativity?

Two adjuncts discuss how they balance their creative interests with course coverage obligations.

Audiobooks, Babies, and Higher Ed

A Conversation with Jonathan V. Last, author of What to Expect When No One's Expecting.

A MOOC on Globalizing Higher Education and Research

We’ve just done our first massive open online course (MOOC)! Not as a participant – we might add – but imagining, making and delivering it over a seven week period this spring to some 18,400 participants.

The Power of Grad Students

Even in challenging times for higher education, unions representing teaching assistants are achieving important victories that help many others in academe, writes Asad Haider.