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Email and Higher Ed History

Colleges need to find ways to preserve the digital record of presidential decision-making, writes Glenn C. Altschuler.

That’s Weird…

Trying to make sense of the new data on retention.

3 Steps to MOOC the 2018 World Cup

How soccer can monetize and improve open online education.

Peril And Promise: A Decade on

Higher education finds itself at another crossroad today, as national systems seem to be pulled in several directions by a combination of factors bringing about both opportunities and challenges.

Career Path vs. Life Path

Trenda Boyum-Breen describes how her personal needs shaped her professional choices -- and how to balance them when they compete.

Hard Questions About Big Data

The controversy over Facebook's manipulation of data raises vexing issues for educational researchers at a time of great promise -- and risk, Justin Reich and Mitchell Stevens argue.

Friday Fragments

A sleepover, scheduling challenges and blind spots in tech.