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No Justice! No Peace! No Writing?

Post-Ferguson, how can young scholars balance their desire to join in activism with the demands of winning tenure? Kerry Ann Rockquemore considers the issues.

Green-Eyed Monster

A new book on jealousy has Scott McLemee taking a backward look.

ASU and the Non-Tenured Human Shields

When I read the news of Arizona State upping the teaching load of instructors, I thought, I know this play.

5 Hesitations to Going Chromebook

Why a dead MacBook Air and a Chromebook to the rescue has me thinking about my next laptop.

I'm Such a Loser But Happy

Christopher White writes about how he rejected the norms and came to love his career.

A (Football) Tale of 2 Universities

Alabama-Birmingham's decision to drop football should inspire other universities that bleed red ink and sacrifice their integrity to play the sport, write Richard Vedder and Joseph Hartge.