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Amazon Does Downloading; Do You?

The new downloading feature from Amazon Prime Instant Video has thrown a digital gauntlet at the feet of academe, one that again highlights the impact of consumer experiences on student expectations.

Overworked, Underpaid: Labor and Laborers of the Writing Classroom

I went to my first academic conference. I learned some things.

Dialogues on Internationalization at the European Periphery: Part 3

A conversation in four parts between Daniel Kontowski and Philip Altbach. Part 3: Making sense of Polish Protests.

Receiving Your Doctorate to Work … at a Community College?

One GradHacker makes the case for pursuing a career at a community college.

Doing Our Copyright Homework

We may think copyright law developments are somebody else's business - but keeping up with copyright is a necessity for librarians and scholars.

Ask the Right Questions

Candidates for tenure should not count on their departments or colleagues to clearly lay out what's expected of them, Rena Seltzer writes.

The Desire Path of Texting

Like it or not, texting is the new normal, and in the name of student success, faculty members must move forward.