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What We’ve Learned From MOOCs

Massive open online courses have not lived up to their early hype -- what could? -- but they’ve made important contributions nonetheless, write John Mitchell, Mitchell Stevens and Candace Thille.

‘Beyond Measure’ and ‘Why We Work’

Two concise guides to creating a just work culture on campus.

On Being a Feminist Role Model in the Classroom, Revisited, Part 1

Revisiting an old post, in a new circumstance, four years later.

How Did You Get Stuck Being a College President?

For college and university presidents who must deal with ever-growing challenges, Susan Resneck Pierce offers some advice.

How to Get Writing Done

To advance in academe you must publish. But where to find the time?

4 Reasons Why Every Educator Should Read ‘The Gift of Failure’

Why when it comes to parenting and educating that we all need take a deep breath, back-off, and chill out.