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Scalia's Law

Antonin Scalia's most-cited law review article provides a glimpse into at least part of that enigmatic entity known as “the mind of the Supreme Court,” Scott McLemee writes.

After Dual Enrollment

What happens to students after dual enrollment?

Funding International Students:

The announcement that Cornell is adjusting its admissions policy for international students from need-blind to “need aware” only seems to add to the confusion about who we enroll from abroad and why.

Students Aren't Coddled. They're Defeated.

The problem is not "special snowflakes," but school itself.

Is it Time to Redesign Your Website?

You may need to redesign your institution's website if it has one of these problems.

A Tale of Two Newmans

Both Cardinal Newman and Simon Newman have struggled with how to define the essence of university education during challenging historical moments for higher education, writes Johann N. Neem.