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Polyculturalism in a Postelection Nation

A better understanding of both individual and systemic racism can help us meet the looming challenge of uniting/reuniting our campuses and nation through respectful dialogue across difference, writes Ajay Nair.

How to Pick a Great Adviser

That person will have an outsized influence on your professionalization and career preparation, so you should chose them wisely, advises James M. Van Wyck.

University Rankings in Perspective

University rankings are largely based on what can be measured rather than what is necessarily relevant and important to the university.

Tips for Writing Recommendation Letters

Faculty members often seem to lack insight into how to write strong letters on their students’ behalf, writes Manya Whitaker, who offers 10 guidelines for improvement.

Obtaining Outstanding Recommendations

Shannon Craigo-Snell suggests ways that scholars, especially marginalized ones, can solicit strong letters of recommendation.

In Search of a College MVP

What is higher education’s version of the minimum viable product -- the smallest, simplest unit that meets the public’s needs? Developing it will be a key goal for college leaders over the next decade, Ryan Craig argues.