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Person looking at a job website on a computer, with papers with data around it

What Data Tell Us About Landing a Faculty Job

Surveying recent applicants has provided insights into five key factors for success, writes Chris Smith.

Six blocks with the letters spelling "LEGACY," in orange, atop a wooden table.

An Equity-Based Defense of Legacy Admissions

At Grinnell College, we don’t have a legacy admission program—but it might be easier to fund our $50 million-plus annual aid budget if we did, Joe Bagnoli writes.

Legs and arm of a man lifting a heavy barbell in a gym

Too Heavy to Go It Alone

William Cunion describes what guidance from his fitness coach has reminded him about the importance of feedback in teaching.

Book jacket for Daniel Schreiber's 'Alone: Reflections on Solitary Living.'

Alone, Together

Scott McLemee reflects on Daniel Schreiber’s Alone: Reflections on Solitary Living.

Man sits before computer and cup of coffee with a question mark coming out of his head

Stuck in Your Writing?

Cultivate readers for your work and build a network of them to draw upon throughout your writing process, advises Jennifer Ahern-Dodson.

A printed FAFSA: Free Application for Federal Student Aid form, with a keyboard in the background.

Ensuring Aid Access for Foster Care Youth

Universal FAFSA requirements, data-sharing agreements and targeted scholarship programs are all policies that eliminate barriers to aid for students with foster care backgrounds, Mauriell H. Amechi writes.

A professor looks over the shoulder of a student engaged in a classroom, with other students working at desks in the background.

Embracing Constructive Dialogue and Oral Assessments in the Age of AI

Since AI is here to stay, instructors should consider using new approaches to assessing student knowledge, write Graham Clay and Cambriae W. Lee. They offer ideas for preparing dialogue-based activities and assessments, including how they can be enhanced with AI.