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Building Your Personal Brand

Just as corporations try to establish a memorable brand, Ph.D. students and postdocs seeking new opportunities should work to create a lasting impression, writes Gaia Vasiliver-Shamis.

Mastering the Art of Presenting

Being able to give an effective presentation is essential to your career success, writes Christine Kelly, who provides six pointers on how to do so.

Your Job Is Not You

How can you shift way from mind-sets that equate identity with academic work? And in doing so, can you relieve anxiety about exploring unfamiliar career pathways? Sarah Peterson provides some answers.

Why Career Self-Assessments Matter

Determining what your skills are, what you enjoy doing and what is important to you is fundamental to career development, writes Natalie Lundsteen.

It’s All About Balance

Christina Berchini provides tips for embarking on the job market for the first time.

Résumé Advice From a Magical Place

Some of the distinct aspects of Disney World can be relevant when it comes to thinking about your own professional branding, writes Joseph Barber.

Top 4 Reasons Professionals Help Students and Postdocs

Students and postdocs should not be wary of asking for help from professionals in their network, argues Thomas Magaldi, as they provide those professionals certain valuable assets.

Ph.D.s (and Advisers) Shouldn’t Overlook Community Colleges

What lessons can be learned at the intersection of the community college and doctoral education in the humanities? Rachel Arteaga provides some answers.