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Taking an Unexpected Turn

Adriana Bankston offers reflections and advice to Ph.D.s about successfully leaving academe and pursuing other careers.

The Calculated Risk of a Cold Email

In a job search, some unsolicited requests for information over email are much more effective than others. Robert D. Pearson gives advice on how to make yours one of them.

Crafting a Successful Cover Letter

To stand out, a cover letter must be outstanding: smart, engaging, concrete, detailed and polished to perfection. Melissa Dennihy gives pointers on how to do that.

How to Pick a Great Adviser

That person will have an outsized influence on your professionalization and career preparation, so you should chose them wisely, advises James M. Van Wyck.

Activism and Professionalism in the Workplace

How and when you express yourself and your beliefs in the workplace is as personal as the beliefs themselves, writes Stephanie K. Eberle, and you should be intentional about it.

A Message to Next-Gen Humanities Ph.D.s

As a graduate student or alum, you can be an important part of the conversation about the future of humanities doctoral education and its possible career paths, argues Amy Pszczolkowski.

Illustrating Career Readiness Competencies: Part II

Joseph Barber gives advice about how to demonstrate to employers specific job competencies: teamwork and collaboration, leadership and project management, professionalism and work ethic, and career management.

Tips for Talking About Other Options

David A. McDonald gives advice for talking to your adviser about nonacademic career plans.