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Stop Fear From Dictating Your Career Choices

Thomas Magaldi gives advice on how to overcome long-held yet false assumptions that often drive behavior and limit opportunities.

A Networking Rule to Live By

You should always focus on making your networking contacts feel good -- and make sure your interaction is a positive experience for them, advises Joseph Barber.

Your Ph.D. and Work Experience Are Great Life Experience: Part 3

Briana Mohan takes a broad view of academe and careers and consider how graduate students and postdocs might best engage with the challenges of the present moment.

Not Just for Undergrads

Internships are not a standard part of Ph.D. training, especially in the biomedical sciences, write Kimberly A. Petrie and Ashley E. Brady, but the tide is shifting.

Needed: Flexible Mentors in Science

Adriana Bankston provides advice for how research scientists can positively influence the personal and professional development of the trainees who work in their labs.

Immerse Yourself With Intention

Short, intense interactions with organizations where you might want to work can provide career insights, but how do you make the most of those experiences? Laura N. Schram shares four best practices.

The 11th-Hour Reveal

At some point toward the end of a job interview, you may suddenly understand what people are really hoping to find in a candidate, writes Jesse Strycker.

Using Assessments for Career “Fit”

Stephanie K. Eberle outlines the misconceptions about assessments in career counseling and advises how to use them most effectively.