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You're Not Alone

Derek Attig provides resources to show how others have handled the exciting yet challenging process of figuring out what comes next.

How to Discuss Work-Life Balance

Before approaching the subject with your future or current supervisor, you should consider their interests, advises Stephanie K. Eberle.

Making Leadership and Service Count in the Job Search

Graduate students need to recognize the marketability and value of their unpaid work and anticipate how it could be attractive to a future employer, writes Amanda Cornwall.

On Gratitude and Leadership

Adriana Bankston offers the following advice for being a good team leader both in academe and outside it.

Getting Up to Speed on Diversity

Employers are increasingly requiring job applicants to demonstrate both commitment and contributions to diversity, equity and inclusion, writes Deborah S. Willis, who gives advice to graduate students on how to do so.

Crafting a Research Practice After the Ph.D.

If you’re contemplating a nonfaculty career, the idea of giving up your research might be keeping you from going forward, writes Melissa Dalgleish. But such a move doesn't mean you have to relinquish your passion.

Writing Successful Grant Proposals

Most sizable grants are just too large and complex to write in a single heroic burst of last-minute effort, says Victoria McGovern, who offers advice on how to craft successful proposals.

Preventing Interview Burnout

Elizabeth Franks gives advice on how to stay positive in the face of rejection.